Saturday, May 27, 2006

Sad Moments

Today a sad moment came to mind.

I drove to the regional/territorial Bible Bowl playoffs at Camp Longpoint. It is about a five hour drive each way, so I had ALOT of thinking time. There were moments as I reflected on my current appointment and simply could do nothing but laugh. It has been an absolutely amazing and wonderful appointment.

Then came the tears, realizing that things are going to quickly change. I think of all the wonderful young people who have been used by God to change me. I think of all those teens who have allowed me to see the reality of true faith, grace, mercy, love, compassion, laughter, joy, and hope. I am so much better off for being able to have been a part of this appointment. I realize it has been my job to minister to the youth of the division, but the reality is that I have been ministered to by each of them. I have grown closer to the Lord because of the young people of NEOSA. That of course is not sad at all!

Life goes on and things will be fine. I will continue to grow in new ways in my faith and in my walk with the Lord. I am very excited about all the newness of our new appointment and know that I will experience the same joys and moments there too.

All of this isn't even what I would have considered the "sad moment" for which I titled this post. What made me sad was that I counted 14 officers kids from this division alone that were being affected in this move cycle. 14 kids are being taken from what they know as "home" and being sent with their parents on their way. I know 1 1/2 of my kids are okay with the move (Emily is the 1/2 depending on her mood each day). My son (age 8) actually appeared to accept the news gracefully. We found him about 10 minutes later hiding in his room crying. He doesn't remember our last move, seeing that he was only 2. All he sees is that he won't be with his friends from camp anymore and that he won't have his "boys only, password protected club house" that he and his dad built. These are sad moments for them.

Please pray for all of the officer's kids. Some are going as far away as Puerto Rico. These are difficult and scary days for them. The Lord will protect them, but they are walking into a whole new life in a lot of respects.


Christopher Hinzman said...

You're family has left an incredible example on the youth in Neosa!! Here is an example from the concert yesterday, during lunch I was eating with your kids and I realized Emily had a Diet coke so I asked her why and here she couldn't find a regular one. So I helped her dig all through the ice and the water and we finally found a regular, when we got back to where we all were eating your husband came over and she handed it to him asking if he wanted it, he thought she had saved it for him but here she had just given it to him in secret, in a way..And she drank the diet in stead so that her dad could have the regular.

I can't BEGIN tell you how much this blessed me!

I'm going to miss you guys at camp. A LOT!! However, I can only begin to imagine the ways God is going to use not only you and Captain, but your WHOLE family in this new appointment. We will have to try and get our corps together sometime!! That would be the best.

Ah well I should get going..This is a REALLY long comment, sorry about that. Talk to you guys on Wednsday then!

Romans 8:
"38For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[m] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

'Your in His hands!'

BrownEyedGirl said...

Moves are always hard and reactions are as varied as personalities. My prayers are with them ...having been the officer kid and having officer kids, I can relate. There is a grieving process for everyone.
Thanks for your comment on my post!