Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Chronicles of Cross Country

For those of you that are sick of listening or reading rather my stories about our daughter's cross country experiences this season, please accept my apologies and just know that the season is almost over.

The kiddo had a REMARKABLE race last Saturday. The race was the regional race that decided which four teams from the region (16 total) and which 16 individuals would quality for the State Meet. Katie came in fourth in the region. No one expected her to do that well. Her coaches assumed that she would qualify in the top 16, but they figured she would come in 10th or 12th. She ran 59 seconds faster than her best race of the season (which took place in mid September). She ran the 3.1 miles in 18:48. She was one second from getting third place and four seconds behind second place.... INCREDIBLE! For those that are not familiar with cross country, it is not too often that a freshman girl runs under 19 minutes and to go to States as a freshman is a big deal.

We go down to Columbus on Friday and she actually runs on Saturday at 12:35 pm. Pray for her safety if you can. There are about 125 kids that all run in a huge pack as the various runners try to break away and I always worry that she will get hurt in some way.

She has a wonderful perspective on things. When she got home last Saturday night she began wondering out loud why God would have her going to the State Meet. She thinks that maybe God wants her to speak to someone there about Him. She is my great!

Well you may have to suffer through one more post about Cross Country... but it is my blog after all. Have a great weekend.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Rambling Thoughts from a Women who has NO energy left to put a coherent thought together!

I have such a mix of emotions tonight. I was tense all morning because Katie had her district meet this morning. She did great. She got 5th place so she qualified for regionals. She was in second up until the last 1/2 mile. The experienced upper classmen of Brecksville High got her in the last few moments. Looking at all the teams and kids going to regionals she was the top freshman in our region today. She falls within the top ten overall. WHEW! Pray for her next Saturday. If she places in the top 16 she will qualify for the state meet.

I also have the stress of the Tribe game tonight. I can't talk anymore about it because I will jinx it. I need to run up and get my lucky shirt on though. It is dirty but we tend to win more when I wear it dirty :)

I have learned a lot the last few weeks. As some know, I learned last month that if you happen to melt a crayon in your clothes dryer the best remedy is to heat the dryer, spread stove top cleaner on it, wait 10 minutes and then wipe. It takes the crayon right off.

Today I learned that if you happen to dry a pen in your clothes dryer (that has exploded of course) all you have to do is use nail polish remover to wipe the ink marks off the dryer drum.

I realize I sound like a loser that doesn't know how to do laundry. Oh well! I have a lot on my mind these days.

At the moment I am juggling being a corps officer, an area coordinator and I am filling in as the the interim director of our day care and our three learning centers. Difficult circumstances in our appointment needless to say. Prayers are welcome!

Got to go and watch the TRIBE!!!