Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Life is Great!

I know a week ago I was sad because it seemed as if my babies were getting way too independent.

This evening I had to go to the store to pick up some breakfast snacks for our Advisory Board. As we were walking my middle daughter noticed my son's toes. It disgusted her.

Em is a special girl. When I first brought her baby brother home from the hospital she really checked every part of him out. She wanted to take care of him. Her way of doing that has stuck with me for 9 years now.

I used to catch her (at the age of 2 1/2) take his bootie socks off and pick the toe jam from between his tiny toes. That was pretty gross in my book, but she wanted him to be clean and comfortable. Emily hated having anything in between her toes so she assumed her brother did as well.

If you were in that store with us it would have been apparent that her brother could care less what is on his feet or between his toes.

We came home and as I was loading the dishwasher I heard a slap followed by a "sit still".

Emily had her brother laying on the couch looking through a book as she cut his toe nails and cleaned them out for him. (By the way, he didn't seem to mind the slap!)

As I watched that scene, I felt so incredibly blessed. I was blessed because my babies were caring for each other. I was blessed because I got a glimpse of my 2 1/2 year old daughter once again. I was blessed because I got a glimpse of my little boy laying there so contently as he was cared for by his big sis. I was blessed because I saw how God created my daughter with compassion and a need to help others from the time she was born and it is working out to this day in her life.

Thank you Lord for allowing me to see the past in my changing children. I am blessed!

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