Tuesday, August 07, 2007


I like people. I must admit though that when it comes to work, I just like doing things myself... my way! I would rather do an entire project by myself (no matter what the size) than to have to cooperate with a team of people. I am creative, but once an idea hits me I like to run with it and not look back. When you are an employer and have lots of employees to consider it can be a bit difficult and for me personally can stunt my creative drive. We had four employees in our first appointment, but none were program type people so I was free to be creative and no one cared. We had four employees in our department in our second appointment (all program people). That was workable though. We now have 41 employees and things move SLOW! I know we have entire departments hoping that we will forget about our "creative" ideas and just let them do their thing their way. As pooh bear says, "Oh bother!" I'm going to go crazy with my "to do" list of creative things by the time I convince folks to give a few of them a try.


Larry said...

you like doing things yourself? really? never would have guessed :)

life is so much richer in community. it took me too long to figure that out.

hang in there..it only gets more challenging for us loners..

Suebee35 said...

People can just be too slow for me! It always works out in the end.

Cosmo said...

Hi Sue,

I usually catch up with your happenings through Jane's Xanga blog, but I thought I'd drop you a note here.

It's great that you have so many creative ideas, even more than you can use - a sign of the image of the Creator. (I wonder, does God have any creative ideas which he doesn't get the opportunity to use? Ooohhh, I think I might have hit on someting profound. Are God's acts of creation hindered because people don't fully live out the creative spirit in them? I'll have to think about that.)

Anyway, what are some of the great ideas you have? Would you be able to share them in a blog posting?

(Marcus Mylechreest)

Suebee35 said...


It's great to hear from you. It sounds as if you and Jane are having a wonderful time in Ireland. Jane's posts are always so refreshing to me and truly take me back to the days when my kids did some of the same things that she posts on.

I am not so sure our/my ideas are great or wonderful. We just have so many opportunities in our current appointment to share Christ with folks and I sometimes feel like I am spending all of the time "convincing" some of our employees that Christ WILL be the center of what we do. We can come up with a zillion ways to give folks those glimpses of Christ, but when those people heading up the specified areas aren't "sold out" for Christ it can be frustrating. That is another issue that will have to be dealt with in time.

Anyway... thanks for contacting me. By the way, you should figure out a way to get that coffeehouse!

Cosmo said...

Talking about ministry coffeehouses, is SAM's Place still going in Bowling Green? If so, any web links?

Suebee35 said...
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