Tuesday, January 02, 2007


It is a new year already. The older I get the more I realize that time passes quickly. I have been helping my son with a timeline of his life. Though he is only eight years old, he has quite a bit he'd like to put into this timeline.

I sat down with him and have gone through many old photos. The photos were instant reminders of times past and of a future that is coming very quickly. Before long, my house will be empty of children and probably pets too. In all honesty, it makes me a bit sad.

Why does time seem to go so much quicker when we are adults? As a kid I just wanted to grow up. Now I wish I could go back to my younger years.

I think as we age we realize that there is much that we would like to accomplish in our time on earth with very little time to do so. I sometimes wonder if we go overboard with our own desires for accomplishments rather than spending our moments pondering and asking God what He'd like us to accomplish.

I constantly preach to people that they have a purpose in this life and that God has a plan for them as individuals, a plan that will help HIM to carry out HIS will on earth through them. I am a believer in that philosophy.

The trouble comes when WE try to figure out that plan and more of OUR plans get in the mix than HIS plans.

Maybe the answer, if there is an answer, is to enjoy the time God gives us. Enjoy and marvel in THIS day! Maybe at any age we should be living in the present rather than constantly dwelling on the past or trying to change our future. Maybe if we did that with gratefulness in our hearts, time would not be such an issue with some of us. Something for me to think about on this day!!

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