Saturday, September 09, 2006

Worms Galore

We took our lovely children to see the movie "HOW TO EAT FRIED WORMS" last weekend. I remember reading the book as a kid and I absolutely loved it. In all honesty the movie was cute but a bit gross. You'd think by this point in motherhood I could handle all that is gross and disgusting.

After the movie I verbalized to my children that worms were not that bad and that I could eat one if I wanted. I am a big "Survivor" and "Fear Factor" junkie. I've convinced myself that I could win "Survivor" because of my personality (not my physique of course). I can be really sweet, but at the same time I can read people well. I can also manipulate ( a characteristic from my pre-Christian days). I also believe that through the will of the mind I could eat gross things. Although the blood balls wrapped in pigs intenstines that are used on Fear Factor may be a bit much for me to sink my teeth into.

My kids tried to test me at our Annual Family Labor Day picnic. They found worms for dessert! I refused to eat one. Without notice my eight year old son grabbed one and swallowed it. The entire family about died. Jimmy is a shy kid who NEVER does things like eating worms. As our daughter Emily put it, "Jimmy just became a boy"! It wasn't long after that Emily (0ur 10 year old) ate her worm.

I was stunned at first by the actions of my children. I then had a sense of pride and a bit of joy (silly, I know). They are so comfortable and free. They love to laugh and have fun. They are so confident in who they are as people. That is exactly what being a kid is all about.

I see kids everyday who have had their childhood stolen away from them. They live in fear, with no sense of self-confidence or joy. They have no stability or sense of security about their lives. I praise God that my kids can be kids. I praise Him that they enjoy the life He has given them. I praise Him for instilling confidence in each of them. I also praise Him that He has given me this ministry in which I can be a mom to those children who need a bit of their childhood back. God is amazing...worms and all!

1 comment:

HS said...

You get it, Sue - that's really what mothering is about - and it is also how we can extend that nurture from our own children to those we minister among - both young and old. Thanks for the reminder.