Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Have you ever had those times in your life when you just feel numb?

I feel like I do not have the capacity to function in life at the moment. I have so many things on the table that I don't know where to begin in order to get moving and get organized.

I am not trying to be negative. I am just experiencing a time where I am going in a million directions and when I take the time to evaluate, I realize that I am a bit lost. I don't have a plan... this proves difficult for someone who lives each day with a plan.

So enough with the pity party... the Cavs won, and for a moment, who cares if I have a plan!!


BrownEyedGirl said...

Happy Anniversary!! You guys are May 16th and We are June 16th. What year??
About the overwhelmed rather not do anything then face the million things on my plate feeling.....I get that all the time. I can relate.

BrownEyedGirl said...

We were married in 1990. 16 years this June. Alastair has shown me the world! He also encourages my gifts and is so grounded. I am a better person because of our relationship. We are so different (Al and I)...some days are a challenge to see things from each others point of view but our differences bring balance to our home and ministry.